3 Tips and trick get Victory on Mobile Legend

Nanti juga dibahas - Now i wanna discuss about the famous game in this time on Mobile Apps, the game name is Mobile Legend. Who didn't know this game, everyone must be know about this game. From children until adult people play this game every time, cause the game is very fun to play together with our friends and Nanti juga dibahas will discuss about 3 tips and trick to get victory on Mobile Legend. check this out bro!

1. Cooperation

90% people agree about this, cause cooperation is very important but, cooperation will be weak if your team doesn't use complex hero. You must share the buff or the monster with team cause that can be faster to get money and exp.

2. Support each other

This is important too, dont push your self to fight alone cause it will be dangerous, you will be ganged by the enemy. you must be fight together to get the victory.

3. The team must be have Tanker

The function of Tank is for protect the team from enemy attack, and tanker must be know when he will open the war cause tanker will protect the team till he wanna die. if the team have no Tanker, the team will be weak at war and that is very easy for enemy to beat you.

That is 3 tips and trick to get victory on Mobile Legend you must be know


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